Hello, I'm JB


Meet JB Favour, a passionate ghostwriter with a talent for turning ideas into captivating stories. With over [5] years of experience in the industry, JB has worked with a diverse range of clients, from memoirists to business leaders, trauma/abuse survivors and inspirational icons to bring their stories to life.

As a seasoned wordsmith, she understands that everyone has a unique story to tell, and is honored to be entrusted with the task of sharing it with the world. With a keen eye for detail and a talent for capturing the essence of a person's voice, JB has helped countless clients to connect with their audience and inspire others with their message.

But JB's work isn't just about writing words on a page – it's about creating a legacy. By helping people to tell their stories, she believes that they can make a lasting impact on the world and leave a meaningful legacy for future generations.

So, whether you're a busy entrepreneur with a vision to share, an individual with the dreams of becoming an author or a survivor seeking to tell their truth & heal, JB is here to help. 

Your story and voice is valid. With her expertise and passion for storytelling, you can rest assured that your message will be heard loud and clear.

What my CLIENTS think...

There's something about having your clients become your friends. I think writing a story for someone is like a journey. You start out not too sure of where or how the journey is gonna be, then you learn and begin to get immersed on the way. It has always been so humbling and inspiring for me to get to see and talk with these brave humans who have trusted me with their work. And so a friendship is often inevitable. This is why I became a GHOSTWRITER. To help these people bring their STORIES to life - absolutely inspiring stuff.

But hey, what do these CLIENTS think?

Meet Ibrahim Bangura from Sydney Australia. 

Meet Sebastian Harun from The United Kingdom 

More Client Reviews!

You know what's even more fun than writing? Hearing a CLIENT tell you how they feel about your work!

"I felt so blessed and lucky to have found JB. My story was about surviving domestic abuse and even losing custody of my daughter in the process and I wanted someone who could tell this vulnerable story in my voice as a legacy for my daughters. It was my truth and JB was the one who helped me make that possible. When my book was published, I cried a lot of happy tears."

- Author Veronika G. United Kingdom

"My story is about loss, a Civil war, sacrifices and family. It was a very sensitive book and I felt that I had the opportunity to hand that over to JB which she handled with care and the respect it deserved. But more importantly, she was able to deliver my story in the voice I wanted - my voice and I am so grateful to have worked with her in that project. I cannot wait to work with her in my other projects. I'd recommend her any day!"

Author Ibrahim B. Australia

" I actually worked with another ghostwriter before JB and not to put anyone down, but I'd pick JB over again. This is because I believe good communication is the foundation for writing a good story. With JB, conversations just flowed seamlessly, she knew what to say and helped me process my thoughts better. She also knows how to have a good laugh. It was so easy that it didn't feel like I was working with a stranger.''

Author Wilson L, Canada

"I tell anyone and everyone who cares to listen, if you need someone who's not gonna run off with your money, who's gonna give you the value of what you pay and who will hold your hand even after they're done writing for you - find JB Favour. She made sure to even assist me in getting published, promoting and building my brand as an author. My favorite Ghostwriter for real!"

Author Lisa M, United States

As a Black Woman who has been told too many times that my dreams were too big, I'm hoping with each day, living as passionately as I can, I can teach another young black girl that her dreams are valid. And that the size of her bank account, her father's name or even her skin color does not get to determine the size of her dreams.

JB Favour

My Story

I started writing since I was like 8. Writing has always been a means of expression for me and as I grew older, it became an escape for me. I liked to read books a lot and it inspired me to write little poems and verses, scribble notes in my journals and create make-believe scripts in my head. 

As a little girl, I was shamed for being too nerdy, for loving to read and for always having a note where I wrote even the smallest things. But that didn't stop me. 

The more I wrote, the more my passion grew into becoming something I would eventually turn into a career.

I don't take it lightly when I say writing heals me because it's true. There's a certain peace that comes from clearly expressing your thoughts on paper, pouring emotions into lines or simply writing out one's experiences.  However, it wasn't up until a few years ago that I learned I could use my gift to help others.

Unlike me, there are a lot of people without the ability to do what I do very well. These people often have the most inspiring and sometimes heartbreaking stories. They need somebody, someone who understands the power of a well written story and someone who is willing to be their shadow, holding their hands behind the scenes as they tell their story. 

I wanted to be that PERSON. So I became a GHOSTWRITER and today I have been honored to help over twenty five men and women from all walks of life, race and country tell their stories in their VOICE and their STYLE.


From writing action packed plots to emotional gut wrenching scenes, adding spice to an original draft and even helping her clients seal movie deals with badass scripts and manuscripts, a single web page is not enough for what JB can do. But, we'll try to narrow it down to (4) basic services.


You've got a DREAM. You want to become an author and share your story with the world. But there's a problem - you don't trust your skills enough. You know how you want it to be, but you need help with writing it down. 

If you can DREAM it, I can WRITE it. Work with The Ghostwriter JB today!

Pricing range: $5,000 - $15,000 Installment Payment: Yes Payment by Royalties: No

Press Releases, Manuscript Rewrites/ Editing

Need to build Press & Media credibility? Want to show by means of Press Articles what your brand or name stands for, merits and awards as well as impactful contributions?

Got a DRAFT or a MANUSCRIPT you think needs polishing? Not too sure of your plot and characterization and need someone to add some spice and flavors to your almost ready dish (book)

Wanna run some developmental edits and get published asap?

This Chef knows a few secret ingredients and is the perfect extra pair of eyes your manuscript or article needs!

P.S: This is not a line/copy edit service.

Pricing range: $2,000 - $8,000 Installment Payment: Yes Payment by Royalties: No

Script Writing

Making movies, documentaries and storyboards are a different kind of art. 

Do you need someone with the ability to keep your viewers hooked? Need a script that screams badass creativity while delivering something non cliché? What to clinch some Netflix deals and need somebody with a pen game bound to get you a YES?

Let's get this dice rolling right away!

Pricing range: $3,000 - $25,000 Installment Payment: Yes Payment by Royalties: Negotiable


Let's face it. Everyone needs help at some point.  Whether it's guidance in writing your book or someone to show you the ''basics but not so basic'' tenets of Ghostwriting - then you are in the right place.

Receive coaching from someone who is willing to show you not just teach you how to make a successful career out of Ghostwriting or becoming an Author.  

Pricing range: $2,000 - $5,000 Installment Payment: Negotiable

The Process

Negotiation & Agreement

Once a negotiation has been reached in terms of pricing, an NDA contract will be drawn up by either JB or her prospective client. An NDA is short for Non Disclosure Agreement. Now this is top tier confidentiality and accountability. First off, JB will hand all ownership rights to the client who is the "Author'' and will not claim ownership of the manuscript ever. She will also not be entitled to any awards, wins or public success of the book unless the Author solely decides to do so. The NDA will also include the payment plan and conditions for the project.


Most clients often prefer interview sessions as a means of getting information to JB as she writes their book. If you prefer this method, you'd have to pay her $50 for every interview she has to conduct. This will involve questions and information exchange. If not, then you'd have to be willing to send in drafts and notes responding to the questions she will be sending and providing all the information that she might require in either written or visual format.

Chapter by Chapter Approval

As the work begins, JB will send in chapters either bi-weekly or as agreed in the NDA's contract. The chapters usually come in three's and will be pending the client's approval before further work resumes. This allows for effective communication, adjustment and a steady flow of writing. 

Post Manuscript Support

There's more to just writing a really good book. Even the best stories need to be marketed and promoted properly or else no one will hear of them. JB is not just your regular Ghostwriter eager to drop off your manuscript and zzzap! disappear. She is willing to provide publishing support, advice as well as promotion strategies for FREE to all her clients who work with her as their Ghostwriter. 

In addition to that, JB has Press & Media partnerships with over 200+ global publications and magazines such as The NY Weekly, London Daily Post, Los Angeles Tribune, The NYC Journal, LA Wire and more! All her clients get DISCOUNT offers to promote on these platforms. Think of what that can do for your book!

Work with THE GHOSTWRITER JB - Ready, Set, Go?

Portfolio samples available upon request.

Looking For Something Else?

Do you know that JB also offers content writing and nonprofit grant writing services separately asides Ghostwriting?

Well, now you do! So if GHOSTWRITING isn't really why you're here, then maybe consider clicking the next buttons below that takes you straight into another whole new world to explore - the world where creative content writing is King or the nonprofit consulting world where JB is creating magic there.  

You should totally see it!